Andrea Aspbury

Andrea Aspbury, Ph.D

Andrea Aspbury, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


Ph.D., 2002, University of Nebraska
M.S., 1996, Illinois State University
B.S., 1994, University of Arizona



Organismal Biology (BIO 1331)
Organismal Biology Lab (BIO 1131) - Lab Coordinator
Animal Behavior (BIO 4472/5472)

Research Interests

Behavioral Ecology, Sexual Selection, Biology Education Research

Selected Publications

Aspbury, AS, KL Grayson, S Fantaye, I Nichols, M Myers-Burton, X Ortiz-Mangual, & CR Gabor. 2016. The association between male-biased sex ratio and indicators of stress in red-spotted newts. Physiology and Behavior 173: 156-162.

Decolo, S, AS Aspbury, K Ostrand, CR Gabor. 2016. Male – male interactions and their influence on the mating behavior and success in the fountain darter, Etheostoma fonticola. Acta Ethologica 19: 15-20.

Reedy, AM, A Edwards, C Pendlebury, L Murdaugh, R Avery, J Seidenberg, AS Aspbury, CR Gabor. 2014. Male and female newts increase corticosterone during amplexus. Integrative and Comparative Biology 208: 57-63.

Kim, D, J. Waller, AS Aspbury, CR Gabor. 2014. Mating preferences of the gynogenetic Amazon molly differ between populations sympatric with different host species. Ethology 120: 1-9.

Muraco, JJ, AS Aspbury, CR Gabor. 2014. Does male behavioral type correlate with species recognition and stress hormones in a unisexual-bisexual mating complex? Behavioral Ecology 25: 200-205.

Alberici da Barbiano, L, R Robinson, M Tobler, AS Aspbury & CR Gabor. 2014. Differences in resource assimilation between the unisexual Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa (Poeciliidae) and its sexual host (Poecilia latipinna). Environmental Biology of Fishes 97:875-880.

Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.