Michael Wilson

Micheal Abel

Michael Wilson, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


Ph.D., 1999, Stanford University
B.S., 1987, University of Nevada - Reno 


Microbiology (BIO 2400) - Instructor and Lab Coordinator

Graduate Microbiology Seminar (BIO5110 / BIO7102)

Research Interests

Microbiology, Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulation, genomics, miRNA, biotechnology

Selected Publications

Hinton A, Afrikanova I, Wilson M, King C, Maurer B, Yeo G, Hayek A, Pasquinelli A.  A Distinct MicroRNA Signature for Definitive Endoderm Derived From Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells Dev. 2010 Jun;19(6):797-807.

Sah S, McCall MN, Eveleigh D, Wilson M, Irizarry RA. 2010. Performance evaluation of commercial miRNA expression array platforms.  BMC Res Notes 3: 80.

MAQC Consortium including Wilson M. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements. Nat Biotechnol 24:1151-61, 2006.

Shippy R, et al. Using RNA sample titrations to assess microarray platform performance and normalization techniques. Nat Biotech 24:1123-31, 2006.

Venter M, Myers TG, Wilson MA, Kindt TJ, Paweska JT, Burt FJ, Leman PA, Swanepoel R. Gene expression in mice infected with West Nile virus strains of different neurovirulence.  Virology.  342:119-40.

Irizarry RA, et. al. Multiple-laboratory comparison of microarray platforms.  Nat Methods. 5:345-50, 2005. 

Boshoff, HIM, Myers TG, Copp BR, McNeil MR, Wilson MA, Barry, CDIII.  The Transcriptional Responses of M. tuberculosis to inhibitors of metabolism; novel insights into drug mechanisms of action.  J Biol Chem. 279:40174-84, 2004. 

Helmann JD, Wu MF, Kobel PA, Gamo FJ, Wilson M, Morshedi MM, Navre M, Paddon C.  Global transcriptional response of Bacillus subtilis to heat shock. J Bacteriol 183:7318-28, 2001.

Wiker, HG, Wilson MA, Schoolnik GK. Extracytoplasmic proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis - mature secreted proteins often start with aspartic acid and proline. Microbiology 146:1525-33, 2000.

Behr, MA‡, Wilson MA‡, Gill WP, Salamon H, Schoolnik GK, Rane S, Small PM.  Comparative genomics of BCG vaccines by whole-genome DNA microarray.  Science  284:1520-3, 1999. (‡ authors contributed equally)

Wilson MA, DeRisi J, Kristensen HH, Imboden P, Rane S, Brown PO, Schoolnik GK. Exploring drug-induced alterations in gene expression in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by microarray hybridization. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 95:12833-8, 1999.